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DISIA Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni 'Giuseppe Parenti'
Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni 'Giuseppe Parenti'

Seminari del DiSIA


  • Raffaele Guetto - email raffaele.guetto(AT), tel. 055 2751553
  • Monia Lupparelli - email monia.lupparelli(AT), tel. 055 2751517
  • Andrea Marino - email andrea.marino(AT), tel. 055 2751524

Salvo indicazioni contrarie, i seminari si terranno in sala riunioni 205 (ex 32)



anni precedenti


  Relatore Seminario
ore 12.00
Riccardo Dondi (Università degli Studi di Bergamo) Covering Temporal Graphs: Complexity and Algorithms
ore 12.00
Silvana Salvini (DiSIA, Università di Firenze) Evoluzione dell’urbanizzazione. Storia e sviluppo delle città nel mondo
ore 09:30
Adrian Dobra (University of Washington) Graphical Models for Human Mobility
ore 11.00
Raul Lopes New Menger-like dualities in digraphs and applications to half-integral linkages
ore 12.00
Kimmo Vehkalahti (Centre for Social Data Science, University of Helsinki, Finland) Studying gambling behavior with Structural Equation Models
ore 12.00
Marco Scutari (Dalle Molle Institute) Causal Modelling in Space and Time
On-site and online seminar
ore 14.00
Corrado Di Guilmi (University of Florence) Does the supply network shape the firm size distribution? The Japanese case
On-site and online seminar
ore 12.00
Chiara Pronzato (Università di Torino, Collegio Carlo Alberto) Does access to regular work affect immigrants’ integration outcomes? Evidence from an Italian amnesty program
ore 11.30
Geoff Vining (Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech) Laying the Foundations for the Design and Analysis of Experiments with Large Amounts of Ancillary Data: Part 2
ore 10.30
Geoff Vining (Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech) Laying the Foundations for the Design and Analysis of Experiments with Large Amounts of Ancillary Data: Part 1
ore 12.00
Saverio Ranciati Learning Gaussian graphical models for paired data with the pdglasso
ore 11.00
Michela Bia ( Liser and University of Luxembourg) Double machine learning for sample selection models
ore 12.00
Anna Monreale (Università di Pisa) Interplay between Privacy and Explainable AI
On-site and online seminar
ore 12.00
Gabriele Fiorentini (University of Florence) Two tales of the information matrix test
ore 11.00
Silvia Liverani (Queen Mary University of London) Bayesian modelling for spatially misaligned health areal data
On-site and online seminar
ore 14.00
Giorgio Di Gessa (University College London) Trajectories of loneliness in later life – Evidence from a 10-year English panel study
ore 12.00
Welcome seminar: Ersilia Lucenteforte, Chiara Marzi Ersilia Lucenteforte: Spreading evidence: a heterogeneous journey in Medical Statistics
Chiara Marzi: Interdisciplinary biomedical research: exploring Brain Complexity, Machine Learning, and Environmental Epidemiology
ore 12.00
Francesco Lagona (University of Roma Tre) Nonhomogeneous hidden semi-Markov models for environmental toroidal data
On-site and online seminar
ore 12.00
Peter Brandon (University at Albany) Do Intergeneration Household Structures Reflect Differences in American Middle School Students' School Experiences and Engagement in Schoolwork?
ore 14.30
Lorenzo Tamellini (CNR-IMATI Pavia) A multi-fidelity method for uncertainty quantification in engineering problems
Please register here to participate online:




anni precedenti


  Relatore Seminario
ore 11.00
Bruno Chiandotto (DISIA, Università di Firenze) Dalla Statistica descrittiva alla Teoria statistica delle decisioni
Il Seminario si terrà nell'Aula 003 del DiSIA
ore 12.00
Andrea Saltelli (UPF Barcelona School of Management) Forking paths, fishing expeditions and sensitivity analysis
ore 14.00
Inga Lass (Federal Institute for Population Research - BiB) Working from home and work-family conflict revisited: Longitudinal evidence from Australia pre- and post-pandemic
ore 15:00
Dott.ssa Rosa Gini - Ing. Juri Bellucci III modulo di formazione: la Terza Missione nella pianificazione dipartimentale
ore 16.00
Flavio Soares Correa da Silva (University of São Paulo – Brazil) General Artificial Intelligence can be OK, Artificial General Intelligence cannot
Please register here to participate online:
ore 11.00
Filippo Ascolani (Department of Decision Sciences, Bocconi University, Milan) Average-case behaviour of mixing times for Gibbs samplers through Bayesian asymptotics
ore 16.00
Qiwei Li (University of Texas at Dallas) When statistics meets AI: Bayesian modeling of spatial biomedical data
Please register here to participate online:
ore 16.00
Eric Chi ((Rice University)) Proximal MCMC for Approximate Bayesian Inference of Constrained and Regularized Estimation
ore 16.00
Daniel Kowal (Rice University) Nonparametric Copula Models for Multivariate, Mixed, and Missing Data
Please register here to participate online:
ore 12.00
Giulia Capitoli (Department of Medicine and Surgery, University Milan-Bicocca, Monza) Spatially constrained co-clustering to detect latent patterns in mass spectrometry imaging
ore 12.00
Livia Ridolfi (Ipsos Italia) KnowledgePanel Europe. Set-up and development challenges of Ipsos random probability panel
ore 14:00
Alessandro Cardinali (University of Plymouth, UK) Costationary Bootstrap Inference for Locally Stationary Time Series
ore 12.00
Welcome seminar:
Giammarco Alderotti, Marco Cozzani, Maria Veronica Dorgali
Giammarco Alderotti: A journey, just begun, into family demography
Marco Cozzani: The heterogeneous consequences of adverse events
Maria Veronica Dorgali: Understanding health behaviours through the lens of psychology
ore 14.00
George Luta (Georgetown University) On Optimal Correlation-Based Prediction
ore 12.00
Maurizio Pisati e Mario Lucchini (Università di Milano-Bicocca) L'indagine ITA.LI quantitativa: Disegno di campionamento, pesi campionari e varianza degli stimatori
Il seminario si terrà in Aula 003 (Ex Aula A)
ore 12.00
Laura D'Angelo (Dipartimento di Economia, Metodi Quantitativi e Strategie d’Impresa, Università Milano Bicocca) Modeling grouped data via finite nested mixture models: an application to calcium imaging data
ore 14.00
Matteo Mio (CNRS, ENS-Lyon) An introduction to Quantitative Algebras
ore 12:00
Welcome Seminar: Fiammetta Menchetti & Marta Pittavino Fiammetta Menchetti: From high school creativity to cultural heritage conservation: a journey in causal inference Marta Pittavino: A tale on statistical methods, and their applications, developed around Europe
ore 11.00
YR Seminar Series FDS:
Matt DosSantos DiSorbo: TBA (Harvard Business School, Boston)
Young Researchers Seminar FDS: Matt DosSantos DiSorbo - Harvard Business School
The seminar will be also on-line, please register here to participate online:
ore 12:00
Rosario Barone (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") Bayesian time-interaction point process
ore 16.30
Special Guest Seminar Series: Björn Bornkamp (Statistical Methodologist at Novartis) Estimand and analysis strategies for recurrent event endpoints in the presence of a terminal event
ore 10.00
Tierno Guzman Youtube, Giochi e Scratch per imparare meglio
ore 12
Welcome Seminar:
Daniele Castellana, Andrea Marino, Francesco Tiezzi
Daniele Castellana: Machine Learning in Structured Domains
Andrea Marino: Algorithms for the Analysis of (Temporal) Graphs
Francesco Tiezzi: A Tale on Domain-Specific System Engineering: the Case of Multi-Robot Systems
ore 15:00
Andrea Meilan Vila (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) Kernel regression estimation for a circular response and different types of covariates
ore 12.00
Andrea Sottosanti (Università di Padova) Co-clustering Models for Spatial Transcriptomics
ore 11.30
Special Guest Lecture Economics Lecture by Nobel Prize 2021: Guido W. Imbens (Stanford Universiy) “Combining Experimental and Observational Data”
Auditorium A – Viale Morgagni 40, Auditorium A- Polo Didattico, Viale Morgani, 40 - Università degli Studi di Firenze Firenze, Italy
ore 12.00
Sirio Legramanti (University of Bergamo) Concentration of discrepancy-based ABC via Rademacher complexity
ore 15.30
G. Geoffrey Vining (Virginia Tech, USA) Shewhart and Profile Monitoring for Industry 4.0
ore 14.30
Doppio Seminario FDS:
Alberto Cassese & Chiara Bocci - DISIA, University of Florence
D2 Seminar Series:
Alberto Cassese: “Bayesian negative binomial mixture regression models for the analysis of sequence count and methylation data”
Chiara Bocci: “Sampling design for large-scale geospatial phenomena using remote sensing data”

The seminar will be on-line, please register here to participate online:
ore 14.30
Chen-Hao Hsu (University of Bamberg) How women’s employment instability affects birth transitions? The moderating role of family policies in 27 European Countries
ore 11.00
Nicola Prezza (Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia) A Theory of (co-lex) Ordered Regular Languages
In presenza in aula 205 (ex32)
ore 14.30
Doppio seminario FDS:
Augusto Cerqua & Marco Letta - Department of Social Sciences and Economics, Sapienza University of Rome
D2 Seminar Series
Augusto Cerqua & Marco Letta: “Losing control (group)? The Machine Learning Control Method for counterfactual forecasting”

The seminar will be on-line, please register here to participate online:
ore 14.30
Special Guest Seminar Series:
Riccardo Michielan - University of Twente
Special Guest Seminar:
Riccardo Michielan: “Is there geometry in real networks?”

The seminar will be on-line, please register here to participate online:
ore 14.30
Doppio seminario FDS:
Elena Stanghellini - Department of Economics, University of Perugia & Gianluca Iannucci - Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence
D2 Seminar Series
Elena Stanghellini: “Causal effects for binary variables: parametric formulation and sensitivity”
Gianluca Iannucci: “The interaction between emission tax and insurance in an evolutionary oligopoly”

The Seminar will be available also online. Please register here to participate online:
ore 10.00
Jaesik Jeong (Chonnam National University, Korea) Double truncation method for controlling local false discovery rate in case of spiky null
ore 14.30
Doppio seminario FDS:
Nicola Del Sarto - Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence & Andrea Mercatanti - Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome
D2 Seminar Series
Nicola Del Sarto: “One size does not fit all. Business models heterogeneity among Internet of Things architecture layers”
Andrea Mercatanti: “A Regression Discontinuity Design for ordinal running variables: evaluating Central Bank purchases of corporate bonds.”

The seminar will be on-line, please register here to participate online:
ore 12.00
Sabrina Molinaro e Elisa Benedetti (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-CNR) Il monitoraggio delle popolazioni nascoste e la valutazione delle policy in ambito di dipendenze
ore 14.30
Doppio seminario FDS:
Giacomo Toscano – DISEI, University of Florence & Gabriele Fiorentini – DISIA, University of Florence
D2 Seminar Series
Giacomo Toscano: “Central limit theorems for the Fourier-transform estimator of the volatility of volatility”
Gabriele Fiorentini: “Specification tests for non-Gaussian structural vector autoregressions”

The Seminar will be available also online. Please register here to participate online:
ore 12.00
Welcome seminar:
Nedka Nikiforova,Valentina Tocchioni, Pamela Vignolini
Nedka Nikiforova: ​Design of experiments for technology and for consumers’ preferences
Valentina Tocchioni: ​A snapshot of my research: from childlessness to higher education research
Pamela Vignolini: Crocus sativus L. flowers valorisation as sources of bioactive compounds
ore 12.00
Fulvia Mecatti (Università di Milano-Bicocca) A fresh look to Multiple Frame Surveys for a multi data source world



Archivio seminari del DiSIA


Archivio seminari del Dipartimento di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Ultimo aggiornamento 24 luglio 2024.