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Grilli L., Marino M.F., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C.: Multiple imputation and selection of ordinal level-2 predictors in multilevel models. 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Pisa, 14-16 December 2018.
Grilli L., Marino M.F., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C.: Multiple imputation and selection of ordinal level-2 predictors in multilevel models. ASMOD 2018: International Conference on Advances in Statistical Modelling of Ordinal Data, Naples, 24-26 October 2018.
Grilli L., Marino M.F., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C.: Multiple imputation of missing level 2 covariates in a multilevel model: analysis of the relationship between student ratings and teacher beliefs and practices. International meeting of the Royal Statistical Society, Cardiff, 3-6 September 2018.
Grilli L.,
Marino M.F., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C.: Multilevel modelling with level 2 missing covariates: the relationship between student ratings and teacher beliefs and practices. IWSM2018, Bristol, 15-20 July 2018.

Grilli L., Malevolti G., Romano D.: Push and pull factors determining rural non-farm activities in Tanzania: a random effect panel analysis . 7th AIEAA Conference, Conegliano (TV), 14-15 June 2018.


Rampichini C., Bassi F., Grilli L., Paccagnella O., Varriale R.: Multilevel modelling with level-2 missing data: The relationship between student ratings and teacher feelings/practices. 10th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, 16-18 December 2017, London.

Bassi F., Grilli L., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C., Varriale R.: Analysis of university teaching quality merging student ratings with professor characteristics and opinions. CLADAG conference, 13-15 September 2017, Milan.

Bassi F., Grilli L., Paccagnella O., Rampichini C., Varriale R.: New Insights on Students Evaluation of Teaching in Italy. Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, 28-30 June 2017, Florence.

Bacci S., Bartolucci F., Grilli L., Rampichini C.: Evaluation of student performance through a multidimensional finite mixture IRT model. Final meeting of the Firb 2012 project "Mixture and Latent Variable Models for Causal Inference and Analysis of Socio-Economic Data" , Bologna 1-2 February 2017 (slides of presentation) (working paper)



Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2016) A latent class growth curve model for walking behaviour in an indoor mobility test. Annual meeting of the Royal Statistical Society, Manchester, 6-8 September 2016 (poster).

Bacci S., Bartolucci F., Grilli L., Rampichini C.: Evaluation of student performance through a multidimensional latent class IRT model with nonignorable missingness. Annual meeting of the Royal Statistical Society, Manchester, 6-8 September 2016 (slides of presentation). (working paper) bullet

Grilli L., Rampichini C., Varriale R.: Statistical modelling of gained university credits to evaluate the role of pre-enrolment assessment tests: an approach based on quantile regression for counts. Workshop on Recent Advances in Quantile and M-quantile Regression. Pisa, 15 July 2016.

Grilli L., Rampichini C., Varriale R.: Modelling gained university credits: mixtures vs quantile regression.. IES2016 - Bilateral Conference on Statistical Methods for service evaluationn. Bucharest, 17 June 2016.. Bucharest, 17 June 2016.

Bacci S., Bartolucci F., Grilli L., Rampichini C.: Evaluation of university students performance through a multidimensional finite mixture IRT model.. 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Societyy. Salerno, 8-10 June 2016.. Salerno, 8-10 June 2016.

Grilli L., Varriale R.: Specification issues in latent growth models with multiple indicators.. International Conference on Data Science & Social Researchh, Naples, 17-19 February 2016..



Bacci S., Bartoluccci F., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2015)) A finite mixture IRT model for ordinal responses with non-ignorable missingness, IFCS 2015, Bologna 6-8 July 2015.A finite mixture IRT model for ordinal responses with non-ignorable missingness, IFCS 2015, Bologna 6-8 July 2015.

Bacci S., Bartolucci F., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2015) An analysis of student performances through a finite mixture IRT model, IES 2015 - INNOVATION AND SOCIETY, Bari JULY 8-9, 2015.

Grilli L., Panzera A., Rampichini C. (2015) Unsupervised clustering of upper level units in multilevel linear models. Second internal meeting of the research group on Mixture and Latent Variable Models for Causal Inference and Analysis of Socio-Economic Data Rome, January 23- 24, 2015.

Grilli L., Pennoni F., Rampichini C., Romeo I. (2015) Exploiting TIMSS & PIRLS combined data: multivariate multilevel modelling of student achievement. Second internal meeting of the research group on Mixture and Latent Variable Models for Causal Inference and Analysis of Socio-Economic Data Rome, January 23- 24, 2015.      slides




Grilli L., Pennoni F., Rampichini C., Romeo I. (2014) Exploiting TIMSS and PIRLS combined data: multivariate multilevel modelling of student achievement. Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders, Rome, 24-25 November 2014.     slides


Grilli L., Panzera A., Rampichini C. (2014) Unsupervised clustering of higher level units in multilevel linear models. MBC2 - Workshop on Model Based Clustering and Classification. Catania, September 3-5, 2014.


Grilli L., Pennoni F., Rampichini C., Romeo I. (2014) A multivariate multilevel model for the analysis of TIMMS & PIRLS data. European Congress of Methodology, Utrecht, 23-25 July 2014.     slides


Grilli L., Pennoni F., Rampichini C., Romeo I. (2014) Multivariate multilevel modelling of student achievement data. 47th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Cagliari, 11-13 June 2014.


Mauro V., Biggeri M., Grilli L. (2014) Measuring the impact of community-based rehabilitation programs from a CA perspective: a multilevel analysis. Conference "Measuring Human Development and Capabilities in High-Income Countries", Rome, 14-15 April 2014.




Bertaccini B., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2013) Are course ratings predictive of freshmen performances? Evidence from the University of Florence. Conference IES 2013 - Innovazione e Societa`, Milano 9-10 December 2013.


Bertaccini B., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2013) An IRT-MIMIC model for the analysis of university student careers. Conference "Advances in Statistical Modelling of Ordinal Data" (ASMOD 2013), Napoli 25-26 November 2013.   slides


Grilli L., Rampichini C., Varriale R. (2013) Predicting students` academic performance: a challenging issue in statistical modelling. Cladag 2013 - 9th Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group. Modena, September 18 - 20, 2013. Book of Abstracts, Eds. Tommaso Minerva, Isabella Morlini, Francesco Palumbo, ISBN 9788867871179.   Short paper    slides


Metelli S., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2013) Bayesian estimation with INLA for logistic multilevel models. 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Palermo, 8-12 July 2013. Pp 693-696. ISBN 9788896251478.


Grilli L., Rampichini C., Varriale R. (2013) A concomitant variable mixture model for predicting freshmen gained credits. Advances in latent variables: Methods, Models and Applications (conference of the Italian Statistical Society), Brescia 19-21 June 2013.   Short paper


Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2013) Specification of random effects in multilevel models: an overview with focus on school effectiveness. Advances in latent variables: Methods, Models and Applications (conference of the Italian Statistical Society), Brescia 19-21 June 2013.   Short paper




Grilli L., Iannario M., Piccolo D., Rampichini C. (2012) Latent Class CUB Models. MBC2 - Workshop on Model Based Clustering and Classification. Catania, September 6-7, 2012


Bartolucci F., Grilli L., Pieroni L. (2012) Latent class inverse probability weighting to estimate causal effects of sequential treatments under unobserved confounding. 27th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Prague, 16-20 July 2012. ISBN 978-80-263-0250-6 slides


Grilli L., Rampichini C., Varriale R. (2012) University admission test and students` careers: an analysis through a regression chain graph with a hurdle model for the credits. 46th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Rome, 20-22 June 2012. ISBN 978-88-6129-882-8.


Bartolucci F., Grilli L., Pieroni L. (2012) Inverse probability weighting to estimate causal effects of sequential treatments: a latent class extension to deal with unobserved confounding. 46th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Rome, 20-22 June 2012. ISBN 978-88-6129-882-8.


Grilli L., Iannario M., Piccolo D., Rampichini C. (2012) Latent Class CUB Models. 46th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society. Rome, 20-22 June 2012. ISBN 978-88-6129-882-8.


Grilli L., Rampichini C., Varriale R. (2012) University admission test and students` careers: evidence from the School of Economics in Florence. International Conference on Methods and Models for Latent Variables, Naples, 17, 18, 19 May 2012. [short paper published in a Special Issue of the Journal: "Quaderni di Statistica", vol.14, 2012, with ISBN-13 978-88-207-5364-1 and ISSN 1594-3739]





Bini M., Grilli L. (2011) An analysis of the careers of Italian PhD graduates: are they over-educated? 8th meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Pavia 7-9 September 2011.


Grilli L., Varriale R. (2011) Latent growth models with multiple indicators: a longitudinal analysis of student ratings. 8th meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Pavia 7-9 September 2011.


Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2011) A review of multilevel models for ordinal data. Workshop on Modern Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Surveys. University of Milan, 14th June 2011.


Grilli L., Varriale R. (2011) Specification issues in latent growth models with multiple indicators. Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society "La Statistica nei 150 anni dall`Unita` d`Italia". Bologna, 8th-10th June 2011. ISSN 1973-9346. Short paper


Sani C., Grilli L.(2011) Differential variability of test scores among schools: a multilevel analysis of the 5th grade Invalsi test using heteroschedastic random effects. INNOVAZIONE E SOCIETa` 2011 - Metodi statistici per la valutazione dei servizi, Firenze 30 maggio- 1 giugno 2011.


Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2011) A review of multilevel models for ordinal data. INNOVAZIONE E SOCIETa` 2011 - Metodi statistici per la valutazione dei servizi, Firenze 30 maggio- 1 giugno 2011.


Grilli L., Varriale R. (2011) Latent growth models with multiple indicators: a longitudinal analysis of student ratings. INNOVAZIONE E SOCIETa` 2011 - Metodi statistici per la valutazione dei servizi, Firenze 30 maggio- 1 giugno 2011.




Bini M., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2010) Labour market outcomes of university graduates and the role of contextual factors: a multilevel analysis. International Conference of the Royal Statistical Society, September 2010, Brighton.


Bini M., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2010) Contextual factors of the external effectiveness of the Italian university: a multilevel analysis. COMPSTAT 2010, August 2010, Paris.


Bini M., Grilli L. (2010) An analysis of the careers of Italian PhD graduates: are they over-educated? The second Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 18 Educational Effectiveness, August 2010, Leuven.   (slides)


Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2010) The role of sample cluster means in effectiveness evaluation. The second Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group 18 Educational Effectiveness, August 2010, Leuven.


Bartolucci F. & Grilli L. (2009) Likelihood inference for a semi-parametric causal model addressing partial compliance by continuous principal strata. IWSM2010, Glasgow University July 5-9th, 2010. (poster)


Bini M., Grilli L., Rampichini C. (2010) Contextual factors of the external effectiveness of the university education: a multilevel approach. 45th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, June 16-18, 2010, Padua.


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2010) Measurement error induced by sample cluster means in multilevel models. STATISTICS FOR COMPLEX PROBLEMS: THE MULTIVARIATE PERMUTATION APPROACH AND RELATED TOPICS in honor of the 70th birthday of Fortunato Pesarin, June 14-15, 2010, Padua.   (slides)


Grilli L., Rampichini C., Salmaso L., Samuh M.H. (2010) A Review of Diagnostic Tests in Multilevel Models. STATISTICS FOR COMPLEX PROBLEMS: THE MULTIVARIATE PERMUTATION APPROACH AND RELATED TOPICS in honor of the 70th birthday of Fortunato Pesarin, June 14-15, 2010, Padua.




Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2009) Multilevel value-added models for the evaluation of educational institutions. Conference MULTIVARIATE METHODS AND MODELS FOR EVALUATING PUBLIC SERVICES, Rimini, May 25-26, 2009. [The review is published in a book


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2009) A review of multilevel value-added models in education. Conference Innovazione e Societa` 2009, Brescia, June 24-26, 2009.  (slides) [The review is published in a book


Bartolucci F. & Grilli L. (2009) Causal inference in trials with partial compliance by means of continuous principal strata: a likelihood approach based on copulas. Contributed paper at JOINT STATISTICAL MEETINGS 2009, Washington DC, August 1-6, 2009.


Bini M. & Grilli L. (2009) Analysis of italian survey data on PhD graduates: is job consistent with education? Contributed paper at JOINT STATISTICAL MEETINGS 2009, Washington DC, August 1-6, 2009.




Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2008) Measurement error in multilevel models with sample cluster means. SFC-CLADAG, Caserta, June 11-13 th 2008  (slides)


Grilli L. (2008) Causal inference through principal stratification: a special type of latent class modelling. SFC-CLADAG, Caserta, June 11-13 th 2008  (slides)


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2008) Multilevel models for the evaluation of educational institutions: a review. Workshop DIVAGO "La Statistica, la Valutazione e l`Universita`", Palermo, 10-12 luglio 2008. [The review is published in a book


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2008) A Review of Value-added Models in Education. Statistical modelling for University Evaluation: an International Overview, Foggia and Baia delle Zagare Hotel (FG), September 5-6, 2008. [The review is published in a book




Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2007) Endogeneity issues in mixed models. 22th IWSM (International Workshop on Statistical Modelling), pp 306-309, Barcelona, July 1-6, 2007.


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2007) Endogeneity issues in multilevel linear models. 6th International Amsterdam Conference on Multilevel Analysis. Amsterdam, April 16-17, 2007.


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2007) Sample selection in linear mixed models. 6th International Amsterdam Conference on Multilevel Analysis. Amsterdam, April 16-17, 2007.


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2007) Multilevel modeling as a tool for student guidance. Workshop on STATISTICAL MODELS FOR STUDENT EVALUATION IN THE UNIVERSITY EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES, Bologna, February 6th, 2007. (abstract) (slides)




Grilli L. (2006) Multilevel models for the analysis of the transition from university to work. VIII International Meeting on Quantitative Methods for Applied Sciences, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), 11-13 September 2006. (paper)


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2006) Selection Bias in Multilevel Models. International Conference on `Statistical Latent Variables Models in the Health Sciences` Perugia, Italy, 6-8 September 2006. (slides


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2006) Model building issues in multilevel linear models with endogenous covariates. "KNEMO: Knowledge Extraction and Modeling" IASC-INTERFACE-IFCS Workshop, September, 4th-6th 2006 Villa Orlandi Island of Capri, ITALY. (slides) (paper)


Grilli L. (2006) Multilevel models for the analysis of the transition from school to work. International Symposium on Methodological tools for accountability systems in education - Joint Research Centre Ispra, 6-8 February 2006






Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2005) Sample selection in random effects models. 1st Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics, Universita` Ca` Foscari, Venezia, January 24-25, 2005. (Slides)


Rampichini C., Grilli L. & Gottard A. (2005) Un`analisi multilivello della probabilita` di occupazione dei laureati dell`ateneo fiorentino con modelli grafici a catena. Convegno OUTCOMES "Transizioni Universita`-Lavoro e valorizzazione delle competenze professionali dei laureati", Padova, 3-5 Febbraio 2005. (Conference web site) (Slides - in italiano)


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2005) Sample selection in multilevel models. 5th International Amsterdam Conference on Multilevel Analysis. Amsterdam, March 21-22, 2005. (abstract on the conference web site)


Grilli L. & Mealli F. (2005) Estimating direct and indirect effects: discussion of some approaches. Workshop on Causality, Ripa (Perugia), 29-30 april 2005 (slides) (workshop web page)


Grilli L. & Mealli F. (2005) The effect of university studies on job opportunities: an application of the principal strata approach to causal inference. 25th European Meeting of Statisticians. Oslo, July 24-28, 2005. (abstract on the conference web page) (slides)





Grilli L. & Mealli F. (2004) L`effetto degli studi universitari sulle opportunita` di lavoro. Una analisi "principal strata model". Convegno OUTCOMES `Modelli di analisi della transizione Universita`-lavoro` (Mattinata, Italy, 16-18 september 2004) (Slides in pdf, similar to Grilli&Mealli 2004a but more emphasis on application and no mention of non parametric bounds)


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2004) A Polytomous Response Multilevel Model with a Non Ignorable Selection Mechanism. 19th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (Florence, Italy, 4 - 8 July 2004) (Slides in pdf)


Grilli L. & Mealli F. (2004) Analysis of the effectiveness of degree programmes by means of principal stratification. Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica della Societa` Italiana di Statistica - Sessioni spontanee (Bari, giugno 2004). (Slides in pdf)


Grilli L. & Rampichini C. (2004) A multivariate multilevel model for the analysis of graduates` skills. 2nd Workshop on correlated data modeling (Torino, Italy, 9-10 January 2004) - Book of contributions




Last updated 07-2018