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DISIA Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni 'Giuseppe Parenti'
Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni 'Giuseppe Parenti'

Working Papers del DiSIA












 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2024 01 Eleonora Trappolini,
Giammarco Alderotti,
Alyce Raybould
Health in early adulthood and fertility: a study based on the 1958 British cohort (Full text)
2024 02 Marta Pittavino,
Bruno Arpino,
Elena Pirani
Kinlessness at older ages: Prevalence and heterogeneity in 27 countries (Full text)
2024 03 Marco Marchi Lotto e giochi di sorte, vecchi e nuovi. (Full text)
2024 04 Marco Cozzani,
Maria Elisabetta Coccia,
Emilia Giusti,
Sara Landini,
Francesca Piazzini,
Valentina Tocchioni,
Daniele Vignoli
No socio-economic differences in ART treatment success: Evidence from Careggi Hospital, Italy (Full text)
2024 05 Carlos J. Gil-Hernández,
Mar C. Espadafor
An Elephant in the Classroom: Teacher Bias by Student SES or Ability Measurement Bias? (Full text)
2024 06 Elena Pirani,
Maria Veronica Dorgali,
Valentina Tocchioni,
Alessandra Petrucci
Housing Conditions, Neighbourhood Area and Life Satisfaction in Old Age (Full text)
2024 07 Daniele Vignoli,
Giammarco Alderotti,
Cecilia Tomassini
Partners’ Health and Silver Splits in Europe: A Gendered Pattern? (Full text)
2024 08 Raffaele Guetto,
Maria Francesca Morabito,
Elisa Benedetti,
Sonia Cerrai,
Daniele Vignoli
When things do not change: non-intact families and adolescents’ risks of substance use across 30 European countries and two decades (Full text)
2024 09 Elisa Fusco,
Giuseppe Arbia,
Francesco Vidoli,
Vincenzo Nardelli
On Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Frontier Models (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2023 01 Gustavo De Santis,
Giambattista Salinari
Gutta cavat lapidem. Survival as the ultimate driver of population age structures (Full text)
2023 02 Silvia Bacci,
Bruno Bertaccini,
Ester Macrì,
Anna Pettini
Measuring Sustainability Consciousness in Italy (Full text)
2023 03 Elena Bastianelli,
Raffaele Guetto,
Daniele Vignoli
The changing socioeconomic gradient in the dissolution of marriage and cohabitation: Evidence from a latecomer of the Second Demographic Transition (Full text)
2023 04 Arnstein Aassve,
Letizia Mencarini,
Elena Pirani,
Daniele Vignoli
The last bastion is falling: Survey evidence of the new demographic reality in Italy (Full text)
2023 05 Gianni Carboni,
Giambattista Salinari,
Gustavo De Santis,
Federico Benassi
Mortality evolution in Italy: whatever happened to regional convergence? (Full text)
2023 06 Raffaele Guetto,
Valentina Tocchioni,
Daniele Vignoli
The Causal Impact of Temporary Employment on First Births in Italy: An Update (Full text)
2023 07 Marcantonio Caltabiano,
Silvia Meggiolaro,
Valentina Tocchioni
The impact of parental separation on the pattern of transition to adulthood in Italy (Full text)
2023 08 Raffaele Guetto,
Giammarco Alderotti,
Daniele Vignoli
Can Policy Reforms Enhance Fertility? An Ex-Ante Evaluation through Factorial Survey Experiments (Full text)
2023 09 Elena Bastianelli,
Cristina Solera,
Daniele Vignoli
Men and women’s employment status and union (in)stability: does contextual gender equality matter? (Full text)
2023 10 Elia Moracci,
Raffaele Guetto,
Daniele Vignoli
Intergenerational Transmission of Home-Leaving Patterns (Full text)
2023 11 Michela Baccini,
Bruno Cheli,
Eugenio Florean,
Rachele Foschi,
Lorenzo Melacarne,
Giovanni Trambusti
Analisi della qualità dei dati sulla mortalità dei vaccinati contro il Covid-19 rilasciati dal Ministero della Salute a seguito della sentenza n. 12013/2023 del TAR del Lazio (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2022 01 Daniele Vignoli,
Raffaele Guetto,
Daniela Bellani
Covid-19 as an Engine of Family Reshuffling. Gender Equality and Relationship Quality during the Pandemic (Full text)
2022 02 Bruno Arpino,
Valeria Bordone,
Giorgio Di Gessa
Close kin influence COVID-19 precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance of older individuals (Full text)
2022 03 Giammarco Alderotti,
Raffaele Guetto,
Paolo Barbieri,
Stefani Scherer,
Daniele Vignoli
Unstable Employment Careers and Completed Fertility before and after Labour Market Deregulation in Italy (Full text)
2022 04 Elena Bastianelli,
Raffaele Guetto,
Daniele Vignoli
The impact of labour market deregulation reforms on fertility in Europe (Full text)
2022 05 Gustavo De Santis,
Giambattista Salinari
Drivers of change in population age structures: a time series analysis (Full text)
2022 06 Bruno Arpino,
Alessandro Di Nallo
Sleeping with the enemy. Partners’ political attitudes and risk of separation (Full text)
2022 07 Ryohei Mogi,
Ryota Mugiyama,
Giammarco Alderotti
Employment uncertainty and non-coresidential partnership in very-low fertility countries: Italy and Japan (Full text)
2022 08 Silvia Meggiolaro,
Fausta Ongaro,
Elena Pirani
First union formation in Italy: The role of micro- and macro-level economic conditions (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2021 01 Valentina Tocchioni,
Anna Rybińska,
Monika Mynarska,
Anna Matysiak,
Daniele Vignoli
Life-course trajectories of childless women: Country-specific or universal? (Full text)
2021 02 Daniela Bellani,
Bruno Arpino
Risk aversion and fertility. Evidence from a lottery question in Italy (Full text)
2021 03 Martín Almuzara,
Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
Aggregate Output Measurements: a Common Trend Approach (Full text)
2021 04 Elena Bastianelli,
Daniele Vignoli
Instability of Employment Careers and Union Dissolution. A Complex Micro-level Relation (Full text)
2021 05 Daniele Vignoli,
Alessandra Minello,
Giacomo Bazzani,
Camilla Matera,
Chiara Rapallini
Economic Uncertainty and Fertility Intentions: The Causal Effect of Narratives of the Future (Full text)
2021 06 Ryohei Mogi,
Daniele Vignoli
Sexual debut and dating of university students in low fertility societies: Italy and Japan (Full text)
2021 07 Dante Amengual,
Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
Multivariate Hermite polynomials and information matrix tests (Full text)
2021 08 Gustavo De Santis An improved pay-as-you-go pension system, in comparison with a notional defined contribution system: demographic, economic and policy characteristics (Full text)
2021 09 Francesca Zanasi,
Gustavo De Santis,
Elena Pirani
Frailty in late years: the legacy of coexistence and persistence of disadvantages in working-age adulthood (Full text)
2021 10 Elena Pirani,
Gustavo De Santis,
Francesca Zanasi
Retirement? Other ways out of the labour market are far more worrying for health. Results from a matching approach study (Full text)
Published as Journal of Aging and Health, 2021; link, published.
2021 11 Valentina Tocchioni,
Marcantonio Caltabiano,
Silvia Meggiolaro
Diverse pathways in young Italians’ entrance into sexual life: The association with gender and birth cohort (Full text)
2021 12 Raffaele Guetto,
Maria Francesca Morabito,
Daniele Vignoli,
Matthias Vollbracht
Media Coverage of the Economy and Fertility (Full text)
2021 13 Francesca Zanasi,
Bruno Arpino,
Elena Pirani,
Valeria Bordone
Work histories and provision of grandparental childcare among Italian older women (Full text)
2021 14 Fausta Ongaro,
Valentina Tocchioni
Adding up risks: Sexual debut and substance use among Italian university students (Full text)
2021 15 Elena Pirani,
Daniele Vignoli
Childbearing Across Partnerships in Italy: Prevalence, Demographic Correlates, Social Gradient (Full text)
2021 16 Bruno Arpino,
Jordi Gumà,
Albert Julià
Deviations From Standard Family Histories and Subjective Wellbeing at Older Ages (Full text)
2021 17 Rossella Berni,
Lorenzo Piattoli,
Christine Michaela Anderson-Cook,
Lu Lu
Split-plot designs and multi-response process optimization: a comparison between two approaches (Full text)
2021 18 Dante Amengual,
Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
Tests for random coefficient variation in vector autoregressive models (Full text)
2021 19 Elena Pirani,
Raffaele Guetto
I genitori single in Italia e gli effetti della pandemia di Covid-19 sul loro benessere e sulle relazioni familiari (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2020 01 Daniele Vignoli,
Raffaele Guetto,
Giacomo Bazzani,
Elena Pirani,
Alessandra Minello
Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe: Narratives of the Future (Full text)
2020 02 Daniela Bellani,
Bruno Arpino,
Daniele Vignoli
In medio stat filius. The relationship between time preferences and fertility (Full text)
2020 03 Niccolò Innocenti,
Daniele Vignoli,
Luciana Lazzeretti
Economic Complexity and Fertility. Insights from a Low Fertility Country (Full text)
2020 04 Raffaele Guetto,
Daniele Vignoli,
Alessio Lachi
Higher Parental Socioeconomic Status Accelerates Sexual Debut in Italy (Full text)
2020 05 Bruno Arpino,
Valeria Bordone,
Marta Pasqualini
Are intergenerational relationships responsible for more COVID-19 cases?
A cautionary tale of available empirical evidence
(Full text)
2020 06 Fabrizio Cipollini,
Giampiero Gallo,
Alessandro Palandri
A Dynamic Conditional Approach to Portfolio Weights Forecasting (Full text)
2020 07 Danilo Bolano,
Daniele Vignoli
First Union Formation in Australia: Actual Constraints or Perceived Uncertainty? (Full text)
2020 08 Giammarco Alderotti,
Cecilia Tomassini,
Daniele Vignoli
Antecedents of 'Grey Divorces' in Europe: The Role of Children and Grandchildren (Full text)
2020 09 Marco Barnabani Testing fixed and random effects in linear mixed models (Full text)
2020 10 Valentina Tocchioni,
Alessandra Petrucci
Italian PhD students at the borders: The relationship between family background and international mobility (Full text)
2020 11 Raffaele Guetto,
Giacomo Bazzani,
Daniele Vignoli
Narratives of the future shape fertility in uncertain times. Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2019 01 Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
New testing approaches for mean-variance predictability (Full text)
2019 02 Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna,
Marcantonio Caltabiano,
Alessandra Minello,
Daniele Vignoli
Catching up! The sexual opinions and behaviour of Italian students (2000-2017) (Full text)
2019 03 Manuela Stranges,
Daniele Vignoli,
Alessandra Venturini
“Comparison is the thief of joy”. Does social comparison affect migrants’ subjective well-being? (Full text)
2019 04 Fabrizio Cipollini,
Giampiero M. Gallo,
Edoardo Otranto
Realized Volatility Forecasting: Robustness to Measurement Errors (Full text)
2019 05 Fabrizio Cipollini,
Giampiero M. Gallo,
Alessandro Palandri
Realized variance modeling: decoupling forecasting from estimation (Full text)
2019 06 Giammarco Alderotti,
Daniele Vignoli,
Michela Baccini,
Anna Matysiak
Employment Uncertainty and Fertility: A Network Meta-Analysis of European Research Findings (Full text)
2019 07 Valentina Tocchioni,
Ann Berrington,
Daniele Vignoli,
Agnese Vitali
Housing uncertainty and the transition to parenthood among Britain’s “Generation Rent” (Full text)
2019 08 Chiara L. Comolli,
Daniele Vignoli
Spread-ing uncertainty, shrinking birth rates (Full text)
2019 09 Marco Barnabani An F-type multiple testing approach for assessing randomness of linear mixed models (Full text)
2019 10 Silvana Salvini Italian students in 2000 and in 2017 between sexual risk behaviors and family communication. (Full text)
2019 11 Ivana Fellini,
Raffaele Guetto
Legal Status and Immigrants’ Labour Market Outcomes: Comparative Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Western and Southern Europe (Full text)
2019 12 Arianna Gatta,
Francesco Mattioli,
Letizia Mencarini,
Daniele Vignoli
Employment Uncertainty and Fertility Intentions: Stability or Resilience? (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2018 01 Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
Consistent non-Gaussian pseudo maximum likelihood estimators (Full text)
2018 02 Daniele Vignoli,
Valentina Tocchioni,
Alessandra Mattei
First-Birth Gains and Losses from the First Job in Italy: The Role of Employment Uncertainty (Full text)
2018 03 Michele Boreale Algorithms for exact and approximate linear abstractions of polynomial continuous systems (Full text)
2018 04 Daniele Vignoli,
Letizia Mencarini,
Giammarco Alderotti
Is the Impact of Employment Uncertainty on Fertility Intentions Channeled by Subjective Well-Being? (Full text)
2018 05 Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
Specification tests for non-Gaussian maximum likelihood estimators (Full text)
2018 06 Massimo Nocentini,
Donatella Merlini
Crawling, (pretty) printing and graphing the OEIS (Full text)
2018 07 Gabriele Fiorentini,
Enrique Sentana
Dynamic specification tests for dynamic factor models (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2017 01 Michele Boreale Algebra, coalgebra, and minimization in polynomial differential equations (Full text)
2017 02 Fabrizio Cipollini,
Robert F. Engle,
Giampiero M. Gallo
Copula–based vMEM Specifications versus Alternatives: The Case of Trading Activity (Full text)
2017 03 Marcantonio Caltabiano,
Emanuela Dreassi,
Emilia Rocco,
Daniele Vignoli
A subregional space-time exploration of family change: Italian municipalities, 1991-2011 (Full text)
2017 04 Marco Mariani,
Alessandra Mattei,
Lorenzo Storchi,
Daniele Vignoli
The ambiguous effects of public assistance to youth and female start-ups between job creation and entrepreneurship enhancement (Full text)
2017 05 Giampiero M. Gallo,
Edoardo Otranto
Combining Sharp and Smooth Transitions in Volatility Dynamics: a Fuzzy Regime Approach (Full text)
2017 06 Bruno Bertaccini,
Antonio Giusti,
Alessandra Petrucci
Opinioni degli studenti universitari sulla didattica ed i servizi erogati dagli Atenei italiani: un nuovo modello di valutazione (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2016 01 Fabrizio Cipollini,
Giampiero Gallo,
Andrea Ugolini
Median Response to Shocks: A Model for VaR Spillovers in East Asia (Full text)
2016 02 Giampiero M. Gallo,
Edoardo Otranto
Combining Markov Switching and Smooth Transition in Modeling Volatility: A Fuzzy Regime MEM (Full text)
2016 03 Francesco Calvori,
Matteo Dentella,
Giampiero M. Gallo
Sovereign Debt Spreads within the Euro Area: When Fears Become Excess Fears (Full text)
2016 04 Fabrizio Cipollini,
Robert F. Engle,
Giampiero M. Gallo
Copula–based Specification of vector MEMs (Full text)
2016 05 Andrea Margheri,
Massimiliano Masi,
Rosario Pugliese,
Francesco Tiezzi
A Rigorous Framework for Specification, Analysis and Enforcement of Access Control Policies (Full text)
2016 06 Alessandro Magrini,
Davide Luciani,
Federico Mattia Stefanini
A Generalization of the Noisy-MAX Parameterization for Biomedical Applications (Full text)
2016 07 Elena Pirani Intergenerational contact across marriage and cohabitation in Italy. Something new? (Full text)
2016 08 Gustavo De Santis,
Valentina Tocchioni,
Chiara Seghieri,
Sabina Nuti
Women’s satisfaction during pregnancy and at delivery in Tuscany (Italy) (Full text)
2016 09 Valentina Tocchioni Exploring the childless universe: profiles and fertility intentions of men and women without children in Italy (Full text)
2016 10 Michele Boreale Analysis of probabilistic systems via generating functions and Padé approximation (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2015 01 Giorgio Calzolari Indirect estimation and econometrics exams: how to live a round life (Full text)
2015 02 Daniele Vignoli,
Valentina Tocchioni,
Silvana Salvini
Uncertain Lives. Insights into the Role of Job Precariousness in Union Formation (Full text)
Published as Demographic Research, Volume 35, Issue 1, pp. 253-282, 2016; link, published.
2015 03 Maria Silvana Salvini,
Giuseppe Gabrielli,
Anna Paterno,
Isabella Corazziari
Demographic Trends in Developing Countries: Convergence or Divergence Processes? (Full text)
2015 04 Marco Barnabani A parametric test to discriminate between a linear regression model and a linear latent growth model (Full text)
2015 05 Michele Boreale,
Fabio Corradi
Searching secrets rationally (Full text)
2015 06 Michela Baccini,
Alessandra Mattei,
Fabrizia Mealli
Bayesian inference for causal mechanisms with application to a randomized study for postoperative pain control (Full text)













 Working Papers del Dip. di Statistica precedente al DiSIA


Anno N. Autori Titolo
2014 01 Francesco Calvori,
Fabrizio Cipollini,
Giampiero M. Gallo
Go with the Flow: A GAS model for Predicting Intra-daily Volume Shares (Full text)
2014 02 Matteo Barigozzi,
Christian T. Brownlees,
Giampiero M. Gallo,
David Veredas
Disentangling Systematic and Idiosyncratic Dynamics in Panels of Volatility Measures (Full text)
2014 03 Giampiero M. Gallo,
Edoardo Otranto
Forecasting Realized Volatility with Changes of Regimes (Full text)
2014 04 Giorgio Calzolari,
Antonino Di Pino
Self-Selection and Direct Estimation of Across-Regime Correlation Parameter (Full text)
2014 05 Daniele Vignoli,
Maria Letizia Tanturri,
Francesco Acciai
Home Bitter Home? Gender, Living Arrangements, and the Exclusion from Home-Ownership among Older Europeans (Full text)
Published as Genus, Volume 72, Issue 9, pp. 1-18, 2016; link, published.
2014 06 Letizia Mencarini,
Daniele Vignoli
Women’s employment makes unions more stable, if the male partners contribute to the unpaid household work (Full text)
Published as Journal of Family Issues, 2017, forthcoming.
2014 07 Anna Gottard,
Giorgio Calzolari
Alternative estimating procedures for multiple membership logit models with mixed effects: indirect inference and data cloning (Full text)
2014 08 Elena Pirani,
Silvana Salvini
Is temporary employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian workers (Full text)
Published as Social Science and Medicine, Volume 124, Issue 1, pp. 121-131, 2014; link, published.
2014 09 Elena Pirani,
Daniele Vignoli
Are spouses more satisfied than cohabitors? A survey over the last twenty years in Italy (Full text)
Published as Journal of Marriage and Family, Volume 78, Issue 3, pp. 598-609, 2016; link, published.
2014 10 Rossella Berni Disegno split-plot e superfici di risposta con effetti casuali (Full text)
2014 11 Arnaud Régnier-Loilier,
Daniele Vignoli
Similar incidence, different nature? Characteristics of Living Apart Together relationships in France and Italy (Full text)
Published as Journal of Population Research, 2017, forthcoming.



Ultimo aggiornamento 15 novembre 2024.